Zhuangzi (莊子)
Zhuangzi (simplified Chinese: 庄子; traditional Chinese: 莊子; pinyin: Zhuāng Zǐ; Wade–Giles: Chuang Tzŭ) was an influential Chinese philosopher who lived around the 4th century BCE during the Warring States Period, a period corresponding to the philosophical summit of Chinese thought — the Hundred Schools of Thought, and is credited with writing—in part or in whole—a work known by his name, the Zhuangzi. His name Zhuangzi (English "Master Zhuang", with Zi being an honorific) is sometimes spelled Zhuang Tze, Zhuang Zhou, Chuang Tsu, Chuang Tzu, Chouang-Dsi, Chuang Tse, or Chuangtze.
Quotes·Quotation by Zhuangzi
¶ 毛嬙、麗姬,人之所美也,魚見之深入,鳥見之高飛,麋鹿見之決驟。 [莊子 齊物論]
Mao Qiang(毛嬙) and Li Ji(麗嬉) were accounted by men to be most beautiful, but when fishes saw them, they dived deep in the water from them; when birds, they flew from them aloft; and when deer saw them, they separated and fled away. [Zhuangzi(莊子), The Adjustment of Controversies (齊物論)]
¶ 同於己為是之,異於己為非之。 [莊子 寓言]
Those which agree with their own they hold to be right, and those which do not so agree they hold to be wrong. [Metaphorical Language]
¶ He who pursues fame at the risk of losing his self is not a scholar.
Knowledge·Wisdom, Knowledge, Wisdom
¶ 則知者不言,言者不知,而世豈識之哉。 [莊子 天道]
The wise do not speak and those who do speak are not wise. How should the world know that real nature? [The Way of Heaven]
¶ 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。 [莊子 養生主]
There is a limit to our life, but to knowledge there is no limit. [Nourishing the Lord of Life]
¶ 人生天地之間,若白駒之過郤。 [莊子 知北遊]
Life between heaven and earth is like a white colt's passing a crevice. [Knowledge Rambling in the North]
Solitude, Self-reliance
¶ 儵魚出遊從容,是魚樂也。 [莊子 秋水]
These thryssas come out, and play about at their ease - that is the enjoyment of fishes. [The Floods of Autumn]