Showing posts with label 1904. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1904. Show all posts

WANG Ming (王明, 1904-1974)

WANG Ming (王明, 1904-1974)

Wang Ming (Chinese: 王明) (23 May 1904 – 27 March 1974) was a senior leader of the early Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Wang was also a major political rival of Mao Zedong during the 1930s, opposing Mao's nationalist deviation from the Comintern and orthodox Marxism and Leninism lines. The competition between Wang and Mao was a reflection of the power struggle between the Soviet Union, through the vehicle of the Comintern, and the CCP to control both the direction and future of the Chinese revolution.

@ “今天中國面臨的是‘兩國之爭’,即新生的'中華蘇維埃共和國'與腐朽的'中華民國'的鬥爭”,“‘兩國’之爭,決定著中國目前的全部政治生活”,“‘兩國’政權的尖銳對立,是目前中國全部政治生活的核心。(見《王明傳》)
Translation:Today China is facing The struggle between two nations, the struggle between new born Chinese Soviet Republic and the rotten Republic of China, the struggle between these two nations, determined the whole of political life of China, this sharp confrontation between these two regimes, is the core of the total of the current Chinese political life. [華夏歷史:命運多舛的時代:中華民國(大陸時期) (九)]