

Quotes·Quotation by Islander


¶ Dokdo belongs to Korea.

¶ Dokdo restores itself when it belongs to Korea.

¶ I like Japanese anime and manga so much. However, I have no choice but to say "No Takeshima, but Dokdo," because truth is truth.

¶ If you call Dokdo Takeshima, the island must not look so beautiful.

¶ Live truth instead of claiming Takesshima, or Dokdo as Japanese Territory. [Elbert Hubbard]

¶ The beauty of Dokdo is from the love of Korean

¶ There is no Takeshima in the world. It's only kind of a ghost island in some Japanese mind.

¶ Truth is truth. The fact that Dokdo belongs to korea can not be denied.

¶ When you call the island Dokdo; and when you do not call the island Takeshima - it is sincerity.
獨島爲獨島 不竹島爲不竹島 是眞也。 [獨子]

¶ Yon don't know the whole truth. If you only have half the page.

¶ You shall not steal. You shall not give false evidence against your neighbour. You shall not set your heart on your neighbour's island. You shall not set your heart on your neighbour's territorial sea or territory, or fish, or marine resources, or any of your neighbour's possessions.

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